Posted by Mark Bello November 09, 2010 6:36 PM
Lost in the discussion about big business interests and creating an economic climate that will encourage big business to create jobs, lost in the US Chamber of Commerce’s phony campaign against trial lawyers and accident victims, lost in political rhetoric about fixing a false “problem” that some politicians (and the Chamber) call “lawsuit abuse”, is the fact that accidents are sudden, unexpected, events that can happen to anyone, anytime. Accidents change lives. Accidents cause devastation and physical and financial ruin. Accidents are usually preventable and are often caused by serious violations of public safety. No one seeks to be in a serious accident. No one seeks to trade places with an accident victim, regardless of whether or not his/her lawsuit was successful.
And, clearly, the number one safety tool, keeping safety violators from repeating their wrongful conduct, is the threat of a lawsuit.
via Freak Accidents: They Can Happen To You | InjuryBoard Southfield.
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