Social media continues to pose problems for courts across the country, as a Florida man was kicked off a civil trial jury after trying to friend a defendant on Facebook. The juror, Jacob Jock, was in a jury pool for a personal injury lawsuit involving a traffic accident, and said he decided to look up […]
Tag Archives: Social Media
Posted On: November 2, 2011 by Ronald V. Miller, Jr. Defense lawyers are looking for serious personal injury victims to post this picture on Facebook Social media is all the rage for defendants’ personal injury lawyers. In the olden days, the only really fun Perry Mason moments from discovery for defense lawyers was surveillance video. […]
An innocent “tweet” could cost you big money. Social Media is continuing to explode in usage and is a huge part of our collective hyper-connected daily lives. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace and other forms of social media can, however, seriously harm your personal injury or medical malpractice case. Insurance companies, adjusters, investigators, and defense attorneys […]