State: Belleville nursing home negligent in 77-year-old resident’s death

Belleville nursing home negligent lawyer attorneyBY KEVIN BERSETT – News-Democrat

The 77-year-old man who walked away from a Belleville nursing home last month and later died in the cold had wandered off from the facility two times in the weeks and months before his final disappearance, according to an inspection report released Friday by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Despite these previous attempts, Aubrey Giles, who suffered from dementia, kidney failure and heart disease, was not wearing a patient monitoring device Jan. 14 when he left Midwest Rehabilitation and Respiratory Care, 727 N. 17th St., the report states.

The report also states that Giles’ care plan — the set of services staff is supposed to provide the patient for their proper care — “does not address (Giles’) exit seeking behaviors and elopement attempts, and goals and interventions to address these behaviors.”

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